Monday, January 7, 2013

Sewing Project: Drawstring Bags

After seeing some similar drawstring bags, or "ditty bags" as my aunt calls them, for a while now, I finally decided to make them.  I had been on quite a long break from sewing, but I had a ton of time over Christmas break, so I decided I should just go for it.  I loved this kind of stuff in high school.....making my own pattern and thinking of what the dimensions needed to be.  I made purses and bags all the time.

So, with all the time I had over Christmas break, I had crocheting and knitting projects everywhere, along with skeins of yarn that I would soon be using in projects.  Now, having this new kitty in the house AND having yarn everywhere just didn't seem like a good idea.  So I knew I had to put them somewhere, but where?  So I bought 4 yards of fabric and decided I would figure out the dimensions of the drawstring bags afterwards.  I knew that I wanted to use up whatever fabric I had left as well.  So, here is what I came up with:

Sorry for the crappy picture!  Just focus on the product! :)

Here are the dimensions of the fabric before sewn: 14x24, 14x20, 12x18, 9x14, 8x12, 7x12, and 7x10.  The three pictured at the beginning of this post are my favorite, and they are sizes 14x20, 9x14, and 8x12.  I really liked 12x18 as well, but haven't used that one quite as much.  I don't quite remember what the dimensions were after sewn, and don't feel like measuring them all.  I do remember that I "lost" 2 inches at the top because I folded it over twice, each time one inch.  Then I did square corners.  If I cut off a 2 inch square in the corner, I "lost" 4 inches (minus the 1/4 inch seam, roughly) total by making the bottom.  I did 1/4 inch seams all around, so I lost a bit from that too.  So for the largest size, 14x24, the final product was about 13x18 or so...I think!

Most of this info is just for myself for the next time I decide to make some of these!  This is my spot to keep track of what I did!  I did this project before I actually started this blog.  Next time I may make a tutorial!

Update: Here's a tutorial I found after I made these: Modern Quilts Lined Drawstring Bag Tutorial

Forever His,

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